Leeanna Torres
Leeanna T. Torres is a native daughter of the American Southwest, with deep Indo-Hispanic roots in New Mexico. She spent 2001 thru 2015 as environmental professional working in and throughout the American West. In 2014 she was chosen as one of the two writers-in-residence for the Aldo & Estella Leopold Residency Program.
Through her writing she hopes to speak with and from that sacred sense of place that is inherent in the great Southwest, that intrinsic relationship between people and place - el sagrado, the sacred. Her essays have appeared in the New Mexico Review, Blue Mesa Review, Tupelo Press Quarterly, Eastern Iowa Review, the anthology Natural Wonders (Sowing Creek Press 2018) and Minding Nature Journal. Essays are also forthcoming in Woodhall Press, Flash Nonfiction Food Anthology, and Waves: A Confluence of Women's Voices (AROHO Foundation). |